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Latest | Quotes | Simple & Catchy lines | Traditional Wisdom | Positive Affirmations
about grit, hustle, positive affirmation
"If everything was easy you'd be bored"
about light, positive affirmation
"Everything has cracks - that's how the light gets in"
about goal, positive affirmation, success
"People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going"
about positive affirmation, start
"Starting is the most difficult step - but you can do it"
about experience, positive affirmation
"Sucking at something is the first step towards being good at something"
about confidence, mistake, positive affirmation
"Mistakes don't make you less capable"
about determination, positive affirmation, success
"The path to success is to take massive, determined action"
about brilliant, mind, positive affirmation
"Your mind is full of brilliant ideas"
about destiny, miracle, positive affirmation
"Your life is already a miracle of chance waiting for you to shape its destiny"