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"[F]or academic men to be happy, the universe would have to take shape. All of philosophy has no other goal: it is a matter of giving a frock coat to what is, a mathematical frock coat. On the other hand, affirming that the universe resembles nothing and is only formless amounts to saying that the universe is something like a spider or spit."
"What happens depends on our way of observing it or on the fact that we observe it."
"My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we *can* suppose."
about believe
"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."
about experience, knowledge
"That all our knowledge begins with experience, there is indeed no doubt....but although our knowledge originates WITH experience, it does not all arise OUT OF experience."
"Thus, be it understood, to demonstrate a theorem, it is neither necessary nor even advantageous to know what it means....[A] machine might be imagined where the assumptions were put in at one end, while the theorems came out at the other, like the legendary Chicago machine where the pigs go in alive and come out transformed into hams and sausages. No more than these machines need the mathematician know what he does."
"It is with words as with sunbeams. The more they are condenced, the deeper they burn."
Morticia Addams - from the Addams Family movie
"We gladly feast on those who would subdue us ... not just pretty words, Fester."