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"Take only pictures, steal only time, leave only footprints."
"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices -- to be found in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own -- for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone."
"A ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentleman."
about Institution, opportunity
"An institution which is populare because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity."
"During the Samuel Johnson days they had big men enjoying small talk; today we have small men enjoying big talk."
about Friends
"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends."
about Dressed
"A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid."
about love
"People would never fall in love if they had not heard love talked about."
about love
"The reason that lovers never weary each other is because they are always talking about themselves."