45 Deep quotes to get you inspired (page 2 of 3)
Last Updated on:Need powerful Deep quotes? Check this collection of 45 best Deep quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own Deep quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
19. Mark Twain ‘s quote about . We owe a deep debt…
“We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Adam, the first great benefactor of the human race: he brought death into the world.”
by Mark Twain -
20. Norman Vincent Peale’s quote about dicipline, joy, happiness. A vital part of the…
“A vital part of the happiness formula is self-discipline. Whoever conquers himself knows deep happiness that fills the heart with joy.”
by Norman Vincent Peale -
21. Carl Jung’s quote about pride. Through pride we are ever…
“Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, Something is out of tune.”
by Carl Jung -
22. Etty Hillesum’s quote about rest. Sometimes the most important thing…
“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.”
by Etty Hillesum -
23. Eckhart Tolle’s quote about lesson, life. Whenever something negative happens to…
“Whenever something negative happens to you, there is a deep lesson concealed within it.”
by Eckhart Tolle -
24. Confucius’s quote about self. I want you to be…
“I want you to be everything that's you, deep at the center of your being.”
by Confucius -
25. Honore’ de Balzac’s quote about Mother. The heart of a mother…
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.”
by Honore de Balzac -
26. Earl Nightingale’s quote about Idea. The more intensely we feel…
“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
by Earl Nightingale -
27. Edward Hubbell Chaplin ‘s quote. Poetry is the utterance of…
“Poetry is the utterance of deep and heartfelt truth. The true poet is very near the oracle.”
by Edward Hubbell Chaplin -
28. Lil Wayne ‘s quote. A lot of women don’t…
“A lot of women don't know how to love because there's deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark reasons.”
by Lil Wayne -
29. George McGovern’s quote about love, patriotism. The highest patriotism is not…
“The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one's country deep enough to call her to a higher plain.”
by George McGovern -
30. Quotes from Henrik Ibsen about impression of deed
“A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.”
by Henrik Ibsen -
31. Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. about love and disappointment
“There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love”
by Martin Luther King Jr. -
32. Truman Capote ‘s quote about love. The brain may take advice,…
“The brain may take advice, but not the heart, and love having no geography, knows no boundaries: weight and sink it deep, no matter, it will rise and find the surface.”
by Truman Capote -
33. James A. Farley ‘s quote about . We find the instinct to…
“We find the instinct to shut out competition deep-rooted even among banks and corporations, among corner grocers and haberdasheries, among peanut vendors and shoeshine boys-and even among young ladies in search of a husband.”
by James A. Farley -
34. Hawaiian Wisdom ‘s quote about . A fisherman of the shallow…
“A fisherman of the shallow sea uses only a short line; a fisherman of the deep sea has a long line.”
by Hawaiian Wisdom -
35. Vince Lombardi ‘s quote about discipline. I’ve never known a man…
“I’ve never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline.... I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour-this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear-is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious.”
by Vince Lombardi -
36. Henry David Thoreau ‘s quote about . As a single footstep will…
“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
by Henry David Thoreau