7 egg quotes to get you inspired
Last Updated on:Need powerful egg quotes? Check this collection of 7 best egg quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own egg quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
1. Ethiopian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Little by little an egg…
“Little by little an egg will walk.”
by Ethiopian Wisdom -
2. Armenian Wisdom ‘s quote about . An egg-thief will become a…
“An egg-thief will become a horse-thief.”
by Armenian Wisdom -
3. Welsh Wisdom ‘s quote about . He who steals an egg…
“He who steals an egg will steal more.”
by Welsh Wisdom -
4. German Wisdom ‘s quote about egg. Don’t worry about eggs that…
“Don’t worry about eggs that haven’t been laid yet.”
by German Wisdom -
5. Indonesian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Like an egg on the…
“Like an egg on the tip of a horn.”
by Indonesian Wisdom -
6. Arnold H. Glasow’s quote about patience. The key to everything is…
“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”
by Arnold H. Glasow -
7. Korean Wisdom ‘s quote about . If you eat a pheasant,…
“If you eat a pheasant, you also eat the egg.”
by Korean Wisdom