703 free man quotes to get you inspired (page 4 of 40)
Last Updated on:Need powerful free man quotes? Check this collection of 703 best free man quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own free man quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
55. James Oppenheim’s quote about happiness, content. The foolish man seeks happiness…
“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.”
by James Oppenheim -
56. Jean-Paul Sartre’s quote about accomplishment. Man is not sum of…
“Man is not sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have.”
by Jean-Paul Sartre -
57. Afranius’s quote about Love, wise. The wise man will love…
“The wise man will love all others will desire.”
by Afranius -
58. George Sand’s quote about Work. Work is not man’s punishment….
“Work is not man's punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure.”
by George Sand -
59. Alphonse de Lamartine’s quote about Man. Limited in his nature, infinite…
“Limited in his nature, infinite in his desire, man is a fallen god who remembers heaven.”
by Alphonse de Lamartine -
60. Thomas Carlyle’s quote about Honest. Make yourself an honest man,…
“Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one rascal less in the world.”
by Thomas Carlyle -
61. Georges Clémenceau’s quote about Act. A man who waits to…
“A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but he's not a man of action.. You must act as you breathe.”
by Georges Clemenceau -
62. Anuj Somany’s quote about Character. The best compliment for a…
“The best compliment for a man is to be treated like a true leader; one who is real, correct and righteous in his approach, attitude, temperament, behavior and most importantly, character.”
by Anuj Somany -
63. Bob Marley’s quote about Destiny. Every man gotta right to…
“Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.”
by Bob Marley -
64. Vikrant Parsai’s quote about Education. Education is the poor man’s…
“Education is the poor man’s haven and the ignorant man’s hell.”
by Vikrant Parsai -
65. Lao Tzu’s quote about Water. The best man is like…
“The best man is like water. Water is good it benefits all things and does not compete with them. It dwells in lowly places that all disdain. This is why it is so near to Tao.”
by Lao Tzu -
66. Vincent van Gogh’s quote about Conscience. Conscience is a man’s compass….
“Conscience is a man's compass. ”
by Vincent van Gogh -
67. Osho’s quote about Fear. A fear-oriented man is always…
“A fear-oriented man is always calculating, planning, arranging, safeguarding. His whole life is lost in this way.”
by Osho -
68. John Burroughs’s quote about Failure. A man can fail many…
“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”
by John Burroughs -
69. Lao Tzu’s quote about Courage. A man with outward courage…
“A man with outward courage dares to die: a man with inner courage dares to live.”
by Lao Tzu -
70. Vikrant Parsai’s quote about Angry. The wise man stops being…
“The wise man stops being wise when he gets angry.”
by Vikrant Parsai -
71. Thomas Huxley’s quote about Alone. The strongest man in the…
“The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone.”
by Thomas Huxley -
72. Bertolt Brecht’s quote about Success. Why be a man when…
“Why be a man when you can be a success”
by Bertolt Brecht