119 self esteem quotes to get you inspired (page 5 of 7)
Last Updated on:Need powerful self esteem quotes? Check this collection of 119 best self esteem quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own self esteem quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
73. George D. Prentice’s quote about self. One of the very best…
“One of the very best of all earthly possessions is self-possession.”
by George D. Prentice -
74. Samuel Butler’s quote about self. The world will always be…
“The world will always be governed by self-interest: we should not try to stop this: we should try and make the self-interest of cads a little more coincident with that of decent people.”
by Samuel Butler -
75. Christian Bovée’s quote about self. Self-distrust is the cause of…
“Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures. In the assurance of strength, there is strength, and they are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves or their own powers.”
by Christian Bovée -
76. Benjamin Whichcote’s quote about self. Man is a wonder to…
“Man is a wonder to himself; he can neither govern nor know himself.”
by Benjamin Whichcote -
77. Benjamin Franklin’s quote about self. What is best for people…
“What is best for people is what they do for themselves.”
by Benjamin Franklin -
78. Timothy J. Flynn’s quote about self. Each of us is an…
“Each of us is an impregnable fortress that can be laid waste only from within.”
by Timothy J. Flynn -
79. Bernard M. Baruch’s quote about self. Whatever task you undertake, do…
“Whatever task you undertake, do it with all your heart and soul. Always be courteous, never be discouraged. Beware of him who promises something for nothing. Do not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures. Do not look for approval except the consciousness of doing your best.”
by Bernard M. Baruch -
80. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s quote about self. Truly, this world can get…
“Truly, this world can get on without us, if we would but think so.”
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -
81. Philip Sidney’s quote about self. Who will adhere to him…
“Who will adhere to him that abandons himself?”
by Philip Sidney -
82. Lord Shaftesbury’s quote about self. It is the hardest thing…
“It is the hardest thing in the world to be a good thinker without being a good self examiner.”
by Lord Shaftesbury -
83. Sir Walter Scott’s quote about self. Teach self-denial and make…
“Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer.”
by Sir Walter Scott -
84. Wayne Dyer’s quotes about self worth
“Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy.”
by Wayne Dyer -
85. Tyron Edwards ‘s quote about self. Most of our censure of…
“Most of our censure of others is only oblique praise of self, uttered to show the wisdom and superiority of the speaker. It has all the insidiousness of self-praise, and all the ill-desert of falsehood.”
by Tyron Edwards -
86. Fred Dehner ‘s quote about help,self. The best helping hand that…
“The best helping hand that you will ever receive is the one at the end of your own arm.”
by Fred Dehner -
87. Bruce Lee ‘s quote about control,emotion,self control. You will continue to suffer…
“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”
by Bruce Lee -
88. Dalai Lama ‘s quote about improvement,self. The goal is not to…
“The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.”
by Dalai Lama -
89. Mike Ditka ‘s quote about self worth,win,worthy. Before you can win, you…
“Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy.”
by Mike Ditka -
90. e e cummings ‘s quote about self, effort. To be nobody but yourself…
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
by e e cummings