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A quick tour on our latest quote maker version 5.2.

About this version and why it matters

Version 5.0 we upload a couple of weeks ago is a huge leap from its previous predececors. It support layer and more advanced generator. But it also have a strong drawback: The change on UI makes it harder to learn and it feels cluttered.

Now with version 5.2 we fixed that. We change the ui to be more streamlined. On the first tab you will find the automation control. A buttons that make you easier to generate image. This is the same approach as previous version which already comfortable.

Not only that, we also added the long awaited feature: The layout generator!. You see there is circles on the bottom. Click on that button to change the layout. If you click a similar circle multiple times, the background layout will still the same BUT the text layout will change. This give you an easier way to get another alternative look. Have a look at the following video :)

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