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ALL TOOLS License Guide

Updated: 05 January 2021

Quotescover web application is an online tool to create beautiful quotes images for any purpose. It works by combining and altering graphic components like fonts, backgrounds, shapes, gradients, and color into one merged image. These graphic components are carefully curated from various sources to make sure that it has the right permission and license to be used by us and you as our user so you as the user can download and use it with peace of mind.

The Graphic Components Origin

Since the image produced here is a combination of many graphic components from various sources, the final image use permission depends on the graphic component license it uses. These are the details of the major graphic components’ origin and their license.


The Fonts on are from our in-house designer, partner designers, Google Fonts. Fonts from our in-house designers and partner designers are released 100% free for commercial use. Fonts from Google Fonts also have an open-source (Open SIL) license which means also free for both personal or commercial use.

Background Photo

The background photo on QuotesCover is an altered version from the CC0 images which is provided by Unsplash. The CC0 license image allows you to use whatever you want as derivative artwork. This means you have to alter or make a value-added to the image before you can use it for personal or commercial use. QuotesCover apps already fulfill this with the ability to modify the final image by adding texts, gradients, shape, and other graphical components. You are safe to use it for personal or commercial use.

Overlay Graphics

The overlay graphics are made by our in-house designer. So it safe for commercial use.

About the Quotes assets on QuotesCover

The main purpose of QuotesCover is to turn your text into beautiful typographic artwork. Even though it is intended to beautify your own original sayings, but we also provide tons of Quotes assets to help you create inspirational artwork.

The quotes assets listed here are taken from famous quotes that spread widely on the internet. It is safe to use it for personal use, but If you want to use quotes asset for commercial use, make sure the date of death of the author is before the year 1923. Because all quotes or saying before that year is considered as public domain. It is even safer to use your own original quotes for commercial use.


QuotesCover, besides has multipurpose graphic editors, also has tons of graphic assets and quotes assets. All the graphic assets (fonts, background photos, and shape overlays) on our site is safe for anything, including commercial use.

You need to pay attention to Quotes Assets. Generally, you may use the quotes available on Quotescover for personal use as we have explained above, but if you want to use them for commercial use (eg, print it on merchandise and sell it, etc) you have to make sure that the quotes’ author died before 1932 so the quotes fall under public domain license.

Currently, we are creating a system to help you easier to choose public domain quotes.

Free for Commercial Use Conditions

You can use it for anything. You can sell it as a product or using it for your clients. However, if you use our default image background you should abide by some rules as you can read below.

Acceptable use:

  1. Making physical crafts/artwork and selling them at craft fairs and/or online.
  2. Printing and Selling Physical non-customizable products such as T-shirts as long as it is a derivative work or altered look and feel of the graphic component
  3. Making flyers for a client, printing and distributing them.


  1. Identifiable people on the background image may not appear in a bad light or in an offensive way.
  2. Don’t sell unaltered copies of a background photo, e.g. don’t sell it as a stock photo, poster, print, or on a physical product without adding any value.
  3. Don’t imply endorsement of your product by people or brands on the image.
  4. Don’t redistribute the photos on other stock photo or wallpaper platforms without any value as described in point number 2 above.



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