How to install QuotesCover on your phone easily
Did you know? Quotescover can be installed on your smartphone easily. but before I show you how to install it, let me explain how this is possible.
QuotesCover is a Progressive Web App (PWA). This means it is a website that can behave similarly to a smartphone app if you install it on your smartphone. Or generally speaking, a PWA is a technology that enable a website to be installed on mobile phones as if it is a native app. To install the PWA, you just need to click “add to home screen” button. This button will automatically be shown on your browser while you browsing or if not, you can manually add it. Here is how.
Installing QuotesCover on your smartphone.
Start by opening on your mobile browser. I strongly suggest using Google Chrome for mobile browser. By default you will see a notification bar on the bottom like on the following image

If you don’t see it you can manually add to homescreen by tapping the three-dot icon on the top right corner on Google Chrome or just find a setting menu on other browsers, and then tap on the “add to home screen” menu on the dropdown.

After you tap on the add to home screen, a popup will emerge. Continue tapping on the add button

The installation process will occur once you tap the add button above. Wait a couple of seconds and your new Quotescover app icon will be shown on the home screen like on the following picture.

As you can see in the above image, the Quotescover is now behaving as if it is native apps. You do not need to open a browser and typing on the address bar anymore.
Now let’s try to open the app. The following image is what you will see after tapping on the QuotesCover icon. This called a splash screen.

After the splash screen, you will be shown the mobile version of the homepage. If you are a member you will see NO ads and have a simpler version of the homepage. And when you open the Quote Maker page, you will experience a full screen native alike mobile application.

Nowadays, a native app and web-based app difference become blurry with the technology called PWA, or Progressive Web App. We decide to adopt this technology to make it easier to use on a mobile phones. You don’t need to use the app store or play store to install it. Just open the website, and follow the steps as we have described above, and you will have a full native web app experience of Quotescover.
As this article written, we have not fully implemented the power of PWA yet, like a service worker to manage cache so that you can use it even without the internet. We will update you once the new PWA featurehave running on Quotescover. For now, please enjoy QuotesCover on your mobile home screen.