List of quotes from Desiderius Erasmus
"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it."
by Desiderius Erasmus
"Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age?"
by Desiderius Erasmus
"Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself."
by Desiderius Erasmus
"The fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all."
by Desiderius Erasmus
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. [In regione caecorum rex est luscus.]"
by Adagia III Desiderius Erasmus iv