List of quotes from Emeasoba George
"Inspirations/motivations can make you undismayed for life i.e. not discouraged, not even by a setback/failure. So, quest for them."
by Emeasoba George
"Every true leader or true love is meant to be a man or woman of his or her own words. In other words, he or she should strive to keep to his or her promises. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Faith is a belief in God/possibility/reality that is strictly based on spiritual conviction/assurance rather than proof."
by Emeasoba George
"A true love/leader is expected/required to live for others and keep on living for others i.e. he/she should be and remain selfless/charitable/impactful/loveful."
by Emeasoba George
"Change is inevitable to a large extent. Yes! because everyone or everything changes with time. Even if you are reluctant to change personally, positively, attitudinally, intellectually or mentally. God, life and time must change you facially, visually, bodily, emotionally, agewise, healthwise and otherwise. Anyway, your willingness to flow with positive change can help you to be or become vibrant at the highest level and eventually help you to live and enjoy your life to the fullest. Thus, do pave way for positive change."
by Emeasoba George
"Get motivated or inspired and remain motivated or inspired until you realize all your dreams, visions or aspirations. For, you need motivations and inspirations as often as you need food and water to survive or live. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Do you live for mere survival or for legacy? Anyway, you ought to live for legacy rather than for mere survival or existence. Because, the legacy that you will succeed in leaving presently will eventually speak for you perpetually. I mean, your legacy is bound to outlive you many years after your demise. Thus, you've got to live to leave behind you positive legacies and never negative legacies."
by Emeasoba George
"It takes only discovery and fulfillment of one's destiny to set thames on fire i.e. to achieve something amazing or exceptional or to do something which can bring great public acclaim. Yes! discovery and fulfillment of your destiny will surely and eventually make you to be celebrated and recognized not just by the public alone. But by the world at large and even the posterity. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Death is a fact of life. That is to say, it is something that must be faced, encountered, accepted and tasted by all humans and living things someday, although it is unpalatable most especially to humans. But, never be bothered about it and never be afraid of it (death). For, it is nothing but life's change agent. That is it (period). -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Anyone who professes to be an ideal leader or a true leader has to be selfless, accountable, transparent, principled, inspiring, punctual, humble, responsible and responsive all-round and at all times. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Failure is often disheartening i.e. failure do cause great discouragement most times. But, you shouldn't feel discouraged just because of failure. For, every of your so seemed failure is a means to success."
by Emeasoba George
"Any life that fails to discover and fulfill his or her destiny is a wasted life. Because, destiny is meant to be discovered and fulfilled outrightly. You can say I said so."
by Emeasoba George
"Feeling of love without expressing it is like wrapping a gift and yet refusing to give it out to someone whom it is meant for. And you ought to agree with me that an unpresented gift is never appreciated, unless and until it is presented to someone whom it is meant for. Now, that is to say true love is meant to be expressed orally, practically and otherwise. Oh! yes, love is more than just a feeling. So, it should be showcased or shared. I mean, mere feeling of love is incomplete, until and unless it is expressed or shared by cash, kind, gift wise or otherwise. Yes! you heard me right, it takes two or more to tangle or tango. Therefore, let there be proofs of your love. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Your actions ought to be louder than your words. Moreover, your actions do tell people more about you rather than your words. Besides, it is the collection of your actions that will eventually beget your reputation and never your words. -Emeasoba George"
by Emeasoba George
"Anyone who is loveful is most likely to glow with pride throughout his or her lifetime. But, the reverse is directly the case with anyone who is hateful. So, dare to be loveful if you really want to grow with pride."
by Emeasoba George
"Every dream, vision and aspiratiion can be realized with God and time. Besides, every imagination can become a reality. But, provided you are bold enough to pursue it unyieldingly."
by Emeasoba George
"True love is meant to be heartfelt i.e. true love ought to be deeply and strongly felt/portrayed by all and sundry including you."
by Emeasoba George