List of quotes from Napoleon Hill
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success."
by Napoleon Hill
"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge."
by Napoleon Hill
"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."
by Napoleon Hill
"The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going."
by Napoleon Hill
"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed."
by Napoleon Hill
"Success comes to those who become success conscious."
by Napoleon Hill
"The more you give, the more comes back to you."
by Napoleon Hill
"Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure."
by Napoleon Hill
"Here is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it."
by Napoleon Hill
"Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it."
by Napoleon Hill
"Success is good at any age, but the sooner you find it, the longer you will enjoy it."
by Napoleon Hill
"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting."
by Napoleon Hill
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."
by Napoleon Hill
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."
by Napoleon Hill
"The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."
by Napoleon Hill