List of quotes from Naval Ravikant
"No one can compete with you on being you. Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most."
by Naval Ravikant
"If they wrote it to make money, don't read it."
by Naval Ravikant
"Nothing you do is going to matter that much in the long run. Don't take yourself so seriously."
by Naval Ravikant
"The first rule of handling conflict is don't hang around people who are constantly engaging in conflict."
by Naval Ravikant
"Every second you have on this planet is very precious and it's your responsibility that you're happy."
by Naval Ravikant
"Study logic and math, because once you've mastered them, you won't fear any book."
by Naval Ravikant
"You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough."
by Naval Ravikant
"A rational person can find peace by cultivating indifference to things outside of their control."
by Naval Ravikant
"If you see a get rich quick scheme, that's someone else trying to get rich off of you."
by Naval Ravikant
"Good entrepreneurs don't fail because they stay at it."
by Naval Ravikant
"The power to make and break habits and learning how to do that is really important."
by Naval Ravikant
"Don't settle, and don't struggle."
by Naval Ravikant
"The problem happens when we have multiple desires. When we have fuzzy desires. When we want to do ten different things and we're not clear about which is the one we care about."
by Naval Ravikant