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The quote maker is updated with 3 new features.

Today we are happy to announce that we have updated the quote maker application with 3 features. Many users have been waiting this features long time. So here they are:

#1. Style selector

Now all users can change easily generate a quote image with the style they want. There are 9 style for now but we will add it more and enhance it to be more sophisticated in the future. Just select the style dropdown and hit the generator buttons.

#2.  Edit shortcut

Some users contact me that they are confused to edit text and graphic. Now, it is easier. If you click on the edit button it will open the related setting on editing tab. It save time and more intuitive. Of course you can still double clik on canvas object to open the related setting too.

#3. Browse tons of font and apply it to text, MANUALLY!

and last the most awaited feature is manual font changing. Now members can browse the font collection and apply it to the text easily. For now we have about 300 curated Open SIL Licensed font, and we add it continously with our own font, or buy corporate license from other font designers. This means YOU ARE SAFE to use it for any project, both prints or digital.

Stay tuned because we will add minor update to enhance this three big updates. If you have an idea or suggestion regarding the quote maker app, please feel free to contact me. Thankyou.

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