List of latest bug fixes. Please feel free to inform us at dian@quotescover.com if you found any bug or errors.
Inconsistency between preview and downloaded image is now fixed. Plus, it now support font ligature
We have fixed small bug that makes the icon and text separated into new line on the branding watermark feature
Quotescover is now support PWA. a cutting edge technology that enable you to experience full native apps from your browser
Today we rolled out new updates to our quotes maker. There are many bug fixes and new features. Here are the lists of what you can create compared to previous versions.
We have made some minor changes to make the site even more usable for the users. You probably did not noticed it, but here is the list.
This weeks we have added important updates to QuotesCover. Here is the list
With version 5 we are experimenting and testing with the new user interface. And it turns out that rounded corner as on version 3 is still the best option.
The latest feature updates is focused on creativity. We have added three new filters and tweaked new user interface for better usability. Keep reading for the details.
Good news, we are permitted to use these beautiful signature fonts from Ana Natalia, a talented graphic designer from Indonesia. Here is the detail
Three big updates today are: 1. Ability to choose style, 2. edit shorcut on generator, and most awaited feature, 3. Manually change font!
We have fixed our mistakes in previous version. And now it has more features but also much more user friendly than previous version.
Version 5 bring a significant features update to user. It also a mark for our new roadmap of QuotesCover. Here is the details
Now, by default you will see a pull quote automatically added into your main text. This is how you can hide it
Pull quotes is exist on version 1 (Flash). And now we are going to implement it on latest version and based on the valid typography theory about hanging punctuation
Now you can highlight (make it more prominent) a specific word just by adding an asterisk mark (*) anywhere on that word