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about experience
"If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires."
about cool
"You actually don't want people thinking your product is cool, because then you're a fad."
about patriotism
"When your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism."
about environmental
"I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment."
about time
"Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift - that's why it's called the present."
about time
"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any."
about life
"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."
about religion
"I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. There must be some human truth that is beyond religion."
about wisdom
"Every evil is some good spelt backwards, and in it the wise know how to read Wisdom."
about god
"Yet one thing secures us what ever betide, the scriptures assures us the Lord will provide."