List of quotes from Winston Churchill
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
by Winston Churchill
"Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all."
by Winston Churchill
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
by Winston Churchill
"You will make all kinds of mistakes but as long as you are generous and true and fierce you cannot hurt the world, or even seriously distress her."
by Winston Churchill
"Immature love says, I love you because I need you, mature love says, I need you because I love you."
by Winston Churchill
"We shape our buildings and they shape us."
by Winston Churchill
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
by Winston Churchill
"Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it."
by Winston Churchill
"Why you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman, and th most audacious soldier, put them at a table together-and what do you get? The sum of their fears."
by Winston Churchill
"Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together- what do you get? The sum of all fears."
by The Sum of All Fears Tom Clancy Winston Churchill
"Everyone has his day and some days last longer than others."
by Winston Churchill