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Ambassador Li Zhaoxing Idaho Grain PRC
"Farmers are the only indispensable people on the face of the earth."
"Grown ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."
"I...have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist when I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute."
"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create but by what we refuse to destroy."
Don Quixote de la Mancha Miguel De Cervantes
about madness
"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical may be madness. To surrender dreams, this may be madness. To seek treasures where there is only trash...Too much sanity may be madness, and maddest of all is to see life as it is and not as it should be."
"Whenever it is in any way possible, every boy and girl should choose as his life work some occupation which he should like to do anyhow, even if he did not need the money."
about achievement
"While my interest in natural history has added very little to my sum of achievement, it has added immeasurably to my sum of enjoyment in life."
"Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."
about judge
"We judge ourselves by what we are capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."
about confidence
"If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you started."
about happiness
"Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others with out getting a few drops on yourself."
about ocean
"What we do is less than a drop in the ocean. But if it were missing, the ocean would lack something."