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about think
"We think so because other people all think so; or because after all, we do think so; or because we were told so, and think we must think so; or because we once thought so, and think we still think so; or because, having thought so, we think we will think so."
"If women understood and exercised their power they could remake the world."
"The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future."
about mind
"Do not let the body be dragged along by mind nor the mind be dragged along by the body"
John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
"In the hearts and minds of the people, the grapes of wrath were growing heavy for the vintage."
about Innocent
"As each child looks at the world through innocent eyes all they can see, Is the worlds way of life and the way they think their lives should be."
about mind
"Free your mind, and the rest will follow. Be colorblind, don?t be so shallow."
"I always knew i would look back on my tears and laugh but i never tought i would look back on the laughter and cry"
about Posession
"For what are posessions but things we guard for fear we might need them tomorrow?"
about dreams
"Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence and a belief in our right and our responsibility to be equal members of society."