230 First quotes to get you inspired (page 13 of 13)
Last Updated on:Need powerful First quotes? Check this collection of 230 best First quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own First quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
217. From speech at Democratic National Convention ‘s quote about . So many of our dreams…
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
by Christopher ReeveFrom speech at Democratic National Convention -
218. Jean Cocteau ‘s quote about . The instinct of nearly all…
“The instinct of nearly all societies is to lock up anybody who is truly free. First, society begins by trying to beat you up. If this fails, they try to poison you. If this fails too, they finish by loading honors on your head.”
by Jean Cocteau -
219. George Carlin ‘s quote about . As a matter of principle,…
“As a matter of principle, I never attend the first annual anything.”
by George Carlin -
220. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ‘s quote about . If any man wish to…
“If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul.”
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
221. Henry James ‘s quote about kindness,life. Three things in human life…
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
by Henry James -
222. Heinrich Heine ‘s quote about . The Romans would never have…
“The Romans would never have found time to conquer the world if they had been obliged first to learn Latin.”
by Heinrich Heine -
223. paraphrasing Sir Walter Scott ‘s quote about Believe. Oh, what a tangled web…
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe.”
by Laurence J. Peterparaphrasing Sir Walter Scott -
224. Mark Twain ‘s quote about . We owe a deep debt…
“We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Adam, the first great benefactor of the human race: he brought death into the world.”
by Mark Twain -
225. Tom Wolfe ‘s quote about . Over the past ten years,…
“Over the past ten years, for the first time, intelligence had become socially correct for girls.”
by Bonfire of the VanitiesTom Wolfe -
226. Joe Keenan ‘s quote about . There are, however, people in…
“There are, however, people in this world who seldom pick up a newspaper, people who, when watching television, sneer in displeasure and change channels at the first glimpse of an anchorperson. While such willfully uninformed citizens are rare, emerging from seclusion only to serve on juries in trials of great national significance, they do exist.”
by Joe Keenan -
227. May Sarton ‘s quote about Women. Women are at last becoming…
“Women are at last becoming persons first and wives second, and that is as it should be.”
by May Sarton -
228. Maggie Kuhn ‘s quote about . The ultimate indignity is to…
“The ultimate indignity is to be given a bedpan by a stranger who calls you by your first name.”
by Maggie Kuhn -
229. Ernestine Ulmer ‘s quote about uncertainty. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert…
“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.”
by Ernestine Ulmer -
230. Walter Anderson ‘s quote about live, chance. Our lives improve only when…
“Our lives improve only when we take chances -- and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.”
by Walter Anderson