29 Mountain quotes to get you inspired (page 1 of 2)
Last Updated on:Need powerful Mountain quotes? Check this collection of 29 best Mountain quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own Mountain quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
1. Zen Proverb’s quote about establishment, stance. A mountain never yields to…
“A mountain never yields to the wind no matter how strong it is.”
by Zen Wisdom -
2. wise man’s quote about grit. The steeper the mountain the…
“The steeper the mountain the harder the climb the better the view from the finishing line”
by wise man -
3. Somali Wisdom ‘s quote about Mountain. Be a mountain or lean…
“Be a mountain or lean on one.”
by Somali Wisdom -
4. Swedish Wisdom ‘s quote about . Behind the mountain there are…
“Behind the mountain there are people too.”
by Swedish Wisdom -
5. Khmer Wisdom ‘s quote about . A mountain never has two…
“A mountain never has two tigers.”
by Khmer Wisdom -
6. Armenian Wisdom ‘s quote about . A mountain won’t get to…
“A mountain won’t get to a mountain, but a human will get to a human.”
by Armenian Wisdom -
7. Robert W. Service ‘s quote about . It isn’t the mountain ahead…
“It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand in your shoe.”
by Robert W. Service -
8. Dutch Wisdom ‘s quote about . If the mountain will not…
“If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain.”
by Dutch Wisdom -
9. Spanish Wisdom ‘s quote about . If the mountain does…
“ If the mountain does not go to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the mountain.”
by Spanish Wisdom -
10. Robert W. Service ‘s quote about . It isn’t the mountain ahead…
“It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand in your shoe.”
by Robert W. Service -
11. Haitian Wisdom ‘s quote about Mountains. Behind the mountain, there are…
“Behind the mountain, there are mountains.”
by Haitian Wisdom -
12. Chinese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Sit on a mountain to…
“Sit on a mountain to watch tigers fighting among themselves.”
by Chinese Wisdom -
13. Sir Edmund Hillary ‘s quote about conquer. It is not the mountain…
“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”
by Sir Edmund Hillary -
14. Zen Proverb’s quote about start, will. The man who moved the…
“The man who moved the mountain was the one who began carrying away the smallest stones.”
by Zen Wisdom -
15. Harry Millner’s quote about path. There are many paths to…
“There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but only one view.”
by Harry Millner -
16. A wise word from Al Neuharth about perspective
“The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective.”
by Al Neuharth -
17. Swahili proverb ‘s quote about . Sit and eat, you’ll eat…
“Sit and eat, you'll eat a hill. Stand up and work to get more and you can eat a mountain.”
by Swahili proverb -
18. Victor Hugo ‘s quote about nature, vision. What would be ugly in…
“What would be ugly in a garden constitutes beauty in a mountain.”
by Victor Hugo