2606 it quotes to get you inspired (page 103 of 145)
Last Updated on:Need powerful it quotes? Check this collection of 2606 best it quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own it quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
1837. William Feather ‘s quote about . If we don’t discipline ourselves…
“If we don’t discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.”
by William Feather -
1838. Samuel Butler ‘s quote about . All animals except man know…
“All animals except man know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.”
by Samuel Butler -
1839. Chinese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Timely return of a loan…
“Timely return of a loan makes it easier to borrow a second time.”
by Chinese Wisdom -
1840. Indonesian Wisdom ‘s quote about effort. Deciding to hug the mount,…
“Deciding to hug the mount, but the hands can't reach it.”
by Indonesian Wisdom -
1841. Oliver Wendell Holmes ‘s quote about . The mind of a bigot…
“The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.”
by Oliver Wendell Holmes -
1842. L.W. Lynett ‘s quote about . The most effective way to…
“The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it.”
by L.W. Lynett -
1843. Joseph Wood Krutch ‘s quote about . Science has always promised two…
“Science has always promised two things not necessarily related-an increase first in our powers, second in our happiness and wisdom; and we have come to realize that it is the first and less important of the two promises which it has kept most abundantly.”
by Joseph Wood Krutch -
1844. Joseph F. Newton ‘s quote about . A duty dodged is like…
“A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.”
by Joseph F. Newton -
1845. Katherine Mansfield ‘s quote about . Looking back, I imagine I…
“Looking back, I imagine I was always writing. Twaddle it was too. But far better write twaddle or anything, anything, than nothing at all.”
by Katherine Mansfield -
1846. Paul Valery ‘s quote about . What others think of us…
“What others think of us would be of little moment did it not, when known, so deeply tinge what we think of ourselves.”
by Paul Valery -
1847. Francois de La Rochefoucauld ‘s quote about . If we have not peace…
“If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources.”
by Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
1848. Ukrainian Wisdom ‘s quote about luck. Luck always seems to be…
“Luck always seems to be against the man who depends on it.”
by Ukrainian Wisdom -
1849. Aristotle ‘s quote about . The high-minded man is fond…
“The high-minded man is fond of conferring benefits, but it shames him to receive them.”
by Aristotle -
1850. H. L. Mencken ‘s quote about . The difference between a moral…
“The difference between a moral man and a man of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act; even when it has worked and he has not been caught.”
by H. L. Mencken -
1851. Paul Valery ‘s quote about . Whatever we succeed in doing…
“Whatever we succeed in doing is a transformation of something we have failed to do. Thus, when we fail, it is only because we have given up.”
by Paul Valery -
1852. Henry David Thoreau ‘s quote about . Only that traveling is good…
“Only that traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better.”
by Henry David Thoreau -
1853. Horace ‘s quote about . Poverty urges us to do…
“Poverty urges us to do and suffer anything that we may escape from it, and so leads us away from virtue.”
by Horace -
1854. Thomas Jefferson ‘s quote about Happiness. The happiness of the domestic…
“The happiness of the domestic fireside is the first boon to Heaven; and it is well it is so, since it is that which is the lot of the mass of mankind.”
by Thomas Jefferson