253 other quotes to get you inspired (page 14 of 15)
Last Updated on:Need powerful other quotes? Check this collection of 253 best other quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own other quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
235. Seneca ‘s quote about . Toil to make yourself remarkable…
“Toil to make yourself remarkable by some talent or other.”
by Seneca -
236. Lee Iacocca ‘s quote about . Management is nothing more than…
“Management is nothing more than motivating other people.”
by Lee Iacocca -
237. Steven Wright ‘s quote about Fishing. Last year I went fishing…
“Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.”
by Steven Wright -
238. Antoine de Saint-Exupery ‘s quote about . One man may hit the…
“One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born.”
by Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
239. Sir Edward Dyer ‘s quote about . My mind to me a…
“My mind to me a kingdom is, Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss.”
by Sir Edward Dyer -
240. P. E. Morris ‘s quote about science. You are 87% water; the…
“You are 87% water; the other 13% keeps you from drowning.”
by P. E. Morris -
241. Harriet Martineau ‘s quote about act,life. You better live your best…
“You better live your best and act your best and think your best today, for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow.”
by Harriet Martineau -
242. Nichomachean Ethics ‘s quote about . Without friends no one would…
“Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”
by AristotleNichomachean Ethics -
243. On the Universe ‘s quote about . You could not step twice…
“You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you.”
by HeraclitusOn the Universe -
244. Mark Twain ‘s quote about . When you cannot get a…
“When you cannot get a compliment any other way pay yourself one.”
by Mark Twain -
245. Oriental Wisdom ‘s quote about . If you wish your merit…
“If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people.”
by Oriental Wisdom -
246. Battaille ‘s quote about . [F]or academic men to be…
“[F]or academic men to be happy, the universe would have to take shape. All of philosophy has no other goal: it is a matter of giving a frock coat to what is, a mathematical frock coat. On the other hand, affirming that the universe resembles nothing and is only formless amounts to saying that the universe is something like a spider or spit.”
by Battaille -
247. Henri Poincare ‘s quote about . Thus, be it understood, to…
“Thus, be it understood, to demonstrate a theorem, it is neither necessary nor even advantageous to know what it means....[A] machine might be imagined where the assumptions were put in at one end, while the theorems came out at the other, like the legendary Chicago machine where the pigs go in alive and come out transformed into hams and sausages. No more than these machines need the mathematician know what he does.”
by Henri Poincare -
248. La Rochefoucauld ‘s quote about Love. The reason that lovers never…
“The reason that lovers never weary each other is because they are always talking about themselves.”
by La Rochefoucauld -
249. Alexis Carrel ‘s quote about hurt. Everyone makes a greater effort…
“Everyone makes a greater effort to hurt other people than to help himself.”
by Alexis Carrel -
250. Mary Wilson Little ‘s quote about . Politeness is one half good…
“Politeness is one half good nature and the other half good lying.”
by Mary Wilson Little -
251. John Lennon ‘s quote about life. Life is what happens while…
“Life is what happens while you are making other plans.”
by John Lennon -
252. Abba Eban ‘s quote about history. History teaches us that men…
“History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely when they have exhausted all other alternatives.”
by Abba Eban