1973 wisdom quotes to get you inspired (page 78 of 110)
Last Updated on:Need powerful wisdom quotes? Check this collection of 1973 best wisdom quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own wisdom quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
1387. English Wisdom ‘s quote about . When the cat is away,…
“When the cat is away, the mice will play.”
by English Wisdom -
1388. Veps Wisdom ‘s quote about . A mosquito is noticed in…
“A mosquito is noticed in the eyes of another, but not an elephant in the eyes of ones own self.”
by Veps Wisdom -
1389. Hungarian Wisdom ‘s quote about Way. They way you live, they…
“They way you live, they way you die.”
by Hungarian Wisdom -
1390. Persian Wisdom ‘s quote about . The leek resembles its seed…
“The leek resembles its seed and little Hassan takes after his father.”
by Persian Wisdom -
1391. Latin Wisdom ‘s quote about . The man fled, and he…
“The man fled, and he will fight anew.”
by Latin Wisdom -
1392. Scots Wisdom ‘s quote about Danger. There is danger in delay….
“There is danger in delay.”
by Scots Wisdom -
1393. Romansch Wisdom ‘s quote about . He who starts well is…
“He who starts well is in the middle of the work.”
by Romansch Wisdom -
1394. Portuguese Wisdom ‘s quote about Curiosity. The cat was murdered by…
“The cat was murdered by curiosity.”
by Portuguese Wisdom -
1395. Serbian Wisdom ‘s quote about Target. A new broom brushes his…
“A new broom brushes his targets well.”
by Serbian Wisdom -
1396. Chinese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Try to save the dead…
“Try to save the dead horse as if it is still alive.”
by Chinese Wisdom -
1397. German Wisdom ‘s quote about . While the grass grows the…
“While the grass grows the steed starves.”
by German Wisdom -
1398. Finnish Wisdom ‘s quote about . One should not go farther…
“One should not go farther than the sea to fish.”
by Finnish Wisdom -
1399. Esperanto Wisdom ‘s quote about . One chop does not fell…
“One chop does not fell an oak.”
by Esperanto Wisdom -
1400. Albanian Wisdom ‘s quote about Teaches, learn. How many lives, so teaches…
“How many lives, so teaches - How to shalt live, the will to learn.”
by Albanian Wisdom -
1401. Welsh Wisdom ‘s quote about . There is none worse shod…
“There is none worse shod than the shoemaker's children.”
by Welsh Wisdom -
1402. Xhosa Wisdom ‘s quote about . One does not become great…
“One does not become great by claiming greatness.”
by Xhosa Wisdom -
1403. Votian Wisdom ‘s quote about . You see the splinter in…
“You see the splinter in another's eye but fail to see the beam in your own.”
by Votian Wisdom -
1404. Venetian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Leave a jest when it…
“Leave a jest when it pleases you best.”
by Venetian Wisdom