1973 wisdom quotes to get you inspired (page 25 of 110)
Last Updated on:Need powerful wisdom quotes? Check this collection of 1973 best wisdom quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own wisdom quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
433. Latin Wisdom ‘s quote about . How You Live Your Life…
“How You Live Your Life Matters.”
by Latin Wisdom -
434. Finnish Wisdom ‘s quote about . War does not determine…
“ War does not determine who is right, only who is remaining.”
by Finnish Wisdom -
435. Korean Wisdom ‘s quote about . A ship will go to…
“A ship will go to the mountain if there are too many captains.”
by Korean Wisdom -
436. Filipino Wisdom. ‘s quote about . Nothing destroys iron but…
“ Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion.”
by Filipino Wisdom. -
437. Scots Wisdom ‘s quote about . A day to come seems…
“A day to come seems longer than a year that's gone.”
by Scots Wisdom -
438. Kannada Wisdom ‘s quote about . It is like a placing…
“It is like a placing a lamp atop a partitioning wall.”
by Kannada Wisdom -
439. Faroese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Swimming is easy if someone…
“Swimming is easy if someone holds your head above water.”
by Faroese Wisdom -
440. French Wisdom ‘s quote about . The motive of the strongest…
“The motive of the strongest is always the best.”
by French Wisdom -
441. Jamaican Wisdom ‘s quote about . Willful waste brings woeful…
“ Willful waste brings woeful want.”
by Jamaican Wisdom -
442. Dutch Wisdom ‘s quote about . The clock ticks at home,…
“The clock ticks at home, as it ticks nowhere else.”
by Dutch Wisdom -
443. Japanese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Where profit is, loss is…
“Where profit is, loss is hidden near by.”
by Japanese Wisdom -
444. German Wisdom ‘s quote about . Mistrust carries one such further…
“Mistrust carries one such further than trust.”
by German Wisdom -
445. Chinese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Who thinks an inch, but…
“Who thinks an inch, but talks a yard, needs a kick in the foot.”
by Chinese Wisdom -
446. Irish Wisdom ‘s quote about . He didn’t lick it off…
“He didn't lick it off a stone”
by Irish Wisdom -
447. Indonesian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Your mouth is your tiger….
“Your mouth is your tiger.”
by Indonesian Wisdom -
448. Armenian Wisdom ‘s quote about . The more you have, the…
“The more you have, the more you'll need.”
by Armenian Wisdom -
449. Vietnamese Wisdom ‘s quote about . If you sharpen an iron…
“If you sharpen an iron rod, in the end you get a needle; patience comes with everything.”
by Vietnamese Wisdom -
450. Icelandic Wisdom ‘s quote about . An unlucky girl may make…
“An unlucky girl may make a good woman.”
by Icelandic Wisdom