1973 wisdom quotes to get you inspired (page 26 of 110)
Last Updated on:Need powerful wisdom quotes? Check this collection of 1973 best wisdom quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own wisdom quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
451. Albanian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Whoever it was said that…
“Whoever it was said that you can't judge a book by its cover was not a graphic artist.”
by Albanian Wisdom -
452. Thai Wisdom ‘s quote about . Talent is born, not made….
“Talent is born, not made.”
by Thai Wisdom -
453. Lithuanian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Flax is not yet sown…
“Flax is not yet sown and they are already weaving the linen.”
by Lithuanian Wisdom -
454. Armenian Wisdom ‘s quote about . An egg-thief will become a…
“An egg-thief will become a horse-thief.”
by Armenian Wisdom -
455. Sudanese Wisdom ‘s quote about . Patience is the key which…
“Patience is the key which solves all problems.”
by Sudanese Wisdom -
456. Kenya Wisdom ‘s quote about . Having a good discussion is…
“Having a good discussion is like having riches.”
by Kenya Wisdom -
457. African Wisdom ‘s quote about . Ears that do not listen…
“Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off.”
by African Wisdom -
458. Spanish Wisdom ‘s quote about . We all have a little…
“We all have a little bit of musician, poet and crazy person in ourselves.”
by Spanish Wisdom -
459. Korean Wisdom ‘s quote about . The straight, upright tree is…
“The straight, upright tree is the first to be cut down.”
by Korean Wisdom -
460. Hawaiian Wisdom ‘s quote about . The awkward person breaks the…
“The awkward person breaks the board in riding on the surf”
by Hawaiian Wisdom -
461. Gaelic Wisdom ‘s quote about . The value of the well…
“The value of the well is not known until it goes dry.”
by Gaelic Wisdom -
462. Hindi Wisdom ‘s quote about . The drums sound better at…
“The drums sound better at a distance.”
by Hindi Wisdom -
463. Nepali Wisdom ‘s quote about . Every sage who comes has…
“Every sage who comes has their ears sliced.”
by Nepali Wisdom -
464. Kannada Wisdom ‘s quote about . The ox pulled to the…
“The ox pulled to the shore the buffalo to the water.”
by Kannada Wisdom -
465. Faroese Wisdom ‘s quote about . The knifeless man is a…
“The knifeless man is a lifeless man.”
by Faroese Wisdom -
466. Hindu Wisdom ‘s quote about . He who cannot dance puts…
“He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor.”
by Hindu Wisdom -
467. English Wisdom ‘s quote about . He who makes no mistakes…
“He who makes no mistakes never makes anything.”
by English Wisdom -
468. Persian Wisdom ‘s quote about . A drop of rain makes…
“A drop of rain makes no impression on a hard stone.”
by Persian Wisdom