1973 wisdom quotes to get you inspired (page 28 of 110)
Last Updated on:Need powerful wisdom quotes? Check this collection of 1973 best wisdom quotes we picked for you. You can share the image or create your own wisdom quote images by clicking on the "Design It!" button. Let start inspiring others. Here is the list:
487. Swedish Wisdom ‘s quote about . We know others by ourselves,…
“We know others by ourselves, sid the loafer about the lice.”
by Swedish Wisdom -
488. Croatian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Without suffering, there is no…
“Without suffering, there is no learning,”
by Croatian Wisdom -
489. Igbo Wisdom ‘s quote about . When a once-beautiful piece of…
“When a once-beautiful piece of cloth has turned into rags, no one remembers that it was woven by Ukwa master weavers.”
by Igbo Wisdom -
490. Tanzanian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Do not forget what is…
“Do not forget what is to be a sailor because of being a captain yourself.”
by Tanzanian Wisdom -
491. Moroccan Wisdom ‘s quote about . Instruction in youth is like…
“Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.”
by Moroccan Wisdom -
492. African Wisdom ‘s quote about . A happy man marries the…
“A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries.”
by African Wisdom -
493. Akan Wisdom ‘s quote about . Wisdom is not like money…
“Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.”
by Akan Wisdom -
494. Sardinian Wisdom ‘s quote about . if you sleep in youth,…
“if you sleep in youth, will cry during the old age.”
by Sardinian Wisdom -
495. Romanian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Life is a waste if…
“Life is a waste if you didn't live as you would have wanted to.”
by Romanian Wisdom -
496. Norwegian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Morning hour has gold in…
“Morning hour has gold in its mouth.”
by Norwegian Wisdom -
497. Bulgarian Wisdom ‘s quote about . Hungry chicken dreams of millet….
“Hungry chicken dreams of millet.”
by Bulgarian Wisdom -
498. Nepali Wisdom ‘s quote about . One spit dries but hundreds…
“One spit dries but hundreds can make a river.”
by Nepali Wisdom -
499. Bosnian Wisdom ‘s quote about . A tree does not grow…
“A tree does not grow from the sky.”
by Bosnian Wisdom -
500. Mongolian Wisdom ‘s quote about friend,friendship. The winner has many friends,…
“The winner has many friends, the loser has good friends.”
by Mongolian Wisdom -
501. Armenian Wisdom ‘s quote about . A mountain won’t get to…
“A mountain won’t get to a mountain, but a human will get to a human.”
by Armenian Wisdom -
502. Polish Wisdom ‘s quote about knowledge. Keep learning because knowledge is…
“Keep learning because knowledge is the key to power.”
by Polish Wisdom -
503. Korean Wisdom ‘s quote about . Entrust the cat with a…
“Entrust the cat with a fish.”
by Korean Wisdom -
504. Albanian Wisdom ‘s quote about . You can share a bed…
“You can share a bed with someone but you cannot dream the same dreams.”
by Albanian Wisdom