In New Feature
Now you can change the font family of bold color
New Feature added! Now you can change the font family of the bold text the same as font 2 or text 2.
All information about what new on QuotesCover ecosystem. If you have a cool idea for QuotesCover, please feel free to share it to us at
New Feature added! Now you can change the font family of the bold text the same as font 2 or text 2.
Now you can doownload the template to disk drive and upload it if you need to load the theme.
Now you can create a seamless Facebook cover in seconds using our latest mini web app.
There are some important updates on March like installable quotescover, new sticker transform tool.
Big news! Now you can browse tons of photo from Unsplash and apply it to quote maker
The new color picker has a wide range of color palettes you can easily choose. It also has a photoshop-alike color picker if you want a custom color. But the best part is, you can see the result implemented instantly on your canvas.
E-mail icon on text watermark feature is now available